Monday, August 1, 2016

A Ecosystem

A ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. I took a picture of this lake that was surrounded with water weeds, trees, and wildlife because its an example of a ecosystem. 

A Gymnosperm

A Gymnosperm is a seed that develops either on the surface of scales or leaves, often modified to form cones, or at the end of short stalks as in Ginkgo. I took a picture with this pinecone because its an example of a gymnosperm. 

Growth Rings

Growth Rings are a concentric layer of wood, shell, or bone developed during an annual or other regular period of growth. I took a picture with this piece of wood because it has growth rings in the center of it. 

Friday, July 29, 2016


Mutualism is when two organisms of different species "work together," each benefiting from the relationship. I tried to take a picture of a bee on a flower as a example of mutalism because the bee uses the flower for pollen. (I tried to get as closer as possible without getting stung). 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Gall

A gall are abnormal plant growths caused by various organisms. I took a picture with this plant because it has a few galls growing on it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Non-flying Insect

A non-living insect is a insect without wings. I tried to take a picture with this spider but i wasn't trying to get close to it.


Moss is a small flowerless green plant that lacks true roots, growing in low carpets or rounded cushions in damp habitats and reproducing by means of spores released from stalked capsules. I took a picture with this moss that was found in a lake (my face was ugly so I had to cross it out :).

Primary Succesion

Primary Succession is one of two types of biological and ecological succession of plant life, occurring in an environment in which new substrate devoid of vegetation and other organisms usually lacking soil, such as a lava flow or area left from retreated glacier, is deposited. I took a picture of the empty landscape because its lacking soil and no living organisms are found.

A Geotropism

 Geotropism is the growth of the parts of plants with respect to the force of gravity. The upward growth of plant shoots is an instance of negative geotropism ; the downward growth of roots is positive geotropism. I took a picture with this plant because the roots of the plant are growing downward, while the stem is growing upward and curving a little.

Something made of Keratin

Keratin is a fibrous protein forming the main structural constituent of hair, feathers, hoofs, claws, horns, etc. I took a picture of my dog because the hair and nails on his body are made of keratin.

A Abiotic Factor

A Abiotic factor are non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that affect living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems. I tried to take a picture of all the abiotic organisms in my backyard such as sunlight, grass, and soil.

A Fish

A Fish is a limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water. I took a picture with these fish that were found at a pet store.

Something made of Cellulose

Cellulose is a insoluble substance that is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibers such as cotton. I took a picture with these q-tips because there made out of cotton.

A Dicot Leaf

A Dicot Leaf is a type of leaf that are usually net-veined. I look a picture with these leafs because the veins go from the central midrib to the edge of the leaf, crossing and joining to form a netted pattern all over the leaf.

A Monocot Leaf

A Monocot leaf is a plant that tends to have parallel venation. I took a picture with this palm tree because it has parallel leafs.

A Community

A Community is a interacting group of various species in a common location. I took a picture with these plants because they are all different, and were found in the same area which is an example of a community. 

A Population

A Population is a group of the same organisms in the same area. I took a picture with these flowers because there all the same type of flower (except the color) and were found in the same area.

A Flower

A Flower is a sexual reproductive structure for plants. I took a picture with this flower that was found at walmart. 

A Fruit

A Fruit is a
sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. I took a picture with these apples because there an example of a fruit.

A Annelida

A Annelid is a soft bodied animal that has a segmented body and is symmetrical. I took a picture with these worms that were found at a pet store, which is a example of a Annelida.

Something made of Chitin

Chitin is a polymer of nitrogen containing polysaccharide rendering a tough, protective covering or structural support in certain organisms. I took a picture with this turtle because its shell is made up of chitin which helps it protect itself.

A Primary Consumer

A Primary Consumer is an animal that feeds on plants, these are also called secondary consumers. I took a picture with these baby rats because they eat grass which makes them a primary consumer.

A Reptile

A Reptile is a  cold-blooded animal that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. They are distinguished by having a dry scaly skin, and typically laying soft-shelled eggs on land. I took a picture with this lizard that I found at the pet store.

A Bird

A Bird is a small warm blooded animal covered in feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, and a beak, and typically being able to fly. I took a picture with these parrots that were found at a pet store.

A Lichen

A Lichen is a simple slow-growing plant that typically forms a low crust like, leaf like, or branching growth on rocks, walls, and trees. I took a picture with this lichen that was found in my backyard.